Ansible Cheat Sheet

Ansible Cheat Sheet

Certainly! Here's a basic Ansible cheat sheet to help you quickly reference some common commands and concepts:

Ansible Commands:

  • ansible-playbook: Run an Ansible playbook to configure systems.

  • ansible: Run a single Ansible command on a set of hosts.

  • ansible-galaxy: Manage Ansible roles and collections.

Ansible Playbook Structure:

  • Hosts: Define the target hosts or groups in the playbook.

  • Tasks: Specify the actions to be performed on the target hosts.

  • Handlers: Define tasks to be triggered by other tasks.

  • Variables: Set variables for use in the playbook.

  • Roles: Organize tasks, handlers, and variables into reusable units.

Common Modules:

  • apt/yum: Manage packages on Debian/Ubuntu or Red Hat/CentOS systems.

  • copy/template: Copy files or use templates to configure files on remote hosts.

  • service/systemd: Manage services on Linux systems.

  • user/group: Manage users and groups on remote hosts.

  • file: Manage files and directories on remote hosts.

Ansible Configuration:

  • ansible.cfg: Main configuration file for Ansible.

  • Inventory: Define the hosts and groups that Ansible will manage.

  • Roles: Organize tasks, handlers, and variables into reusable units.

Best Practices:

  • Idempotence: Ensure that playbooks can be run multiple times without changing the system if no changes are needed.

  • Modularity: Organize playbooks into reusable roles and tasks.

  • Documentation: Include comments and documentation in playbooks for clarity and maintainability.

  • Testing: Use Ansible's testing tools to validate playbooks and roles.

Here are 30 essential Ansible commands that are commonly used:

  1. ansible-playbook: Run an Ansible playbook to configure systems based on the defined tasks and roles.

  2. ansible: Run a single Ansible command on a set of hosts, such as running ad-hoc tasks.

  3. ansible-galaxy: Manage Ansible roles and collections, including installation, creation, and sharing.

  4. ansible-vault: Encrypt sensitive data within Ansible playbooks or roles.

  5. ansible-doc: View documentation for Ansible modules and plugins.

  6. ansible-config: View and set Ansible configuration settings.

  7. ansible-pull: Pull a playbook from a version control system and execute it on the local machine.

  8. ansible-console: Start an interactive Ansible console.

  9. ansible-inventory: View and manage inventory information.

  10. ansible-galaxy collection: Manage Ansible collections.

  11. ansible-galaxy init: Initialize a new Ansible role or collection.

  12. ansible-galaxy import: Import roles from Ansible Galaxy.

  13. ansible-galaxy remove: Remove roles from Ansible Galaxy.

  14. ansible-galaxy search: Search for roles and collections on Ansible Galaxy.

  15. ansible-pull: Pull a playbook from a version control system and execute it on the local machine.

  16. ansible-vault create: Create a new encrypted file with Ansible Vault.

  17. ansible-vault edit: Edit an encrypted file with Ansible Vault.

  18. ansible-vault encrypt: Encrypt an existing file with Ansible Vault.

  19. ansible-vault decrypt: Decrypt an encrypted file with Ansible Vault.

  20. ansible-vault rekey: Change the password for an encrypted file with Ansible Vault.

  21. ansible-vault view: View the contents of an encrypted file with Ansible Vault.

  22. ansible-doc: View documentation for Ansible modules and plugins.

  23. ansible-config: View and set Ansible configuration settings.

  24. ansible-console: Start an interactive Ansible console.

  25. ansible-inventory: View and manage inventory information.

  26. ansible-pull: Pull a playbook from a version control system and execute it on the local machine.

  27. ansible-galaxy collection: Manage Ansible collections.

  28. ansible-galaxy init: Initialize a new Ansible role or collection.

  29. ansible-galaxy import: Import roles from Ansible Galaxy.

  30. ansible-galaxy remove: Remove roles from Ansible Galaxy.

These commands cover a wide range of Ansible operations, from running playbooks to managing roles and collections. Always refer to the official Ansible documentation for the most up-to-date information on these commands and their usage.

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for some common Ansible commands, playbook structure, modules, configuration elements, and best practices. For more detailed information, always refer to the official Ansible documentation and resources.

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