50 Docker Commands

50 Docker Commands

  1. docker run - run a container from an image

  2. docker pull - pull an image from a registry

  3. docker push - push an image to a registry

  4. docker build - build an image from a Dockerfile

  5. docker ps - list running containers

  6. docker stop - stop a running container

  7. docker start - start a stopped container

  8. docker restart - restart a container

  9. docker logs - show the logs of a container

  10. docker exec - execute a command inside a running container

  11. docker images - list available images

  12. docker rm - remove a container

  13. docker rmi - remove an image

  14. docker inspect - show information about a container

  15. docker network create - create a network for containers to communicate

  16. docker network connect - connect a container to a network

  17. docker network disconnect - disconnect a container from a network

  18. docker port - show the mapped ports of a container

  19. docker cp - copy files between a container and the host

  20. docker commit - create a new image from a container's changes

  21. docker login - log in to a registry

  22. docker logout - log out of a registry

  23. docker tag - tag an image with a new name

  24. docker export - export the contents of a container as a tar archive

  25. docker import - create a new image from a tar archive

  26. docker save - save an image as a tar archive

  27. docker load - load an image from a tar archive

  28. docker top - show the processes running inside a container

  29. docker stats - show resource usage statistics of containers

  30. docker diff - show the changes made to a container's filesystem

  31. docker events - show the events generated by Docker

  32. docker history - show the history of an image

  33. docker pause - pause a running container

  34. docker unpause - unpause a paused container

  35. docker kill - send a signal to a container to stop it abruptly

  36. docker wait - wait for a container to exit and return its exit code

  37. docker attach - attach to a running container's console

  38. docker buildx - build and push multi-platform images

  39. docker compose - manage multi-container applications with Docker Compose

  40. docker swarm - create and manage a cluster of Docker nodes

  41. docker volume create - create a named volume for persistent data storage

  42. docker volume ls - list available volumes

  43. docker volume rm - remove a named volume

  44. docker system prune - remove all unused objects from Docker

  45. docker system df - show the usage of Docker objects

  46. docker system events - show the events generated by Docker on the system

  47. docker system info - show the system-wide information about Docker

  48. docker system inspect - show detailed information about Docker objects

  49. docker system logs - show the system logs of Docker

  50. docker system version - show the version of Docker installed on the system

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